Welcome, if you are renting or pursuing advanced training, please watch this view to better prepare you for the rental process.
IN addition to the items in the video Please DO NOT:
All renters are required to have a rental checkout with one of Pensacola Air's CFIs to ensure proficiency. The following must be completed on your Flight Circle profile prior to receiving rental privileges, and we will provide you with instructions on how to update your Flight Circle profile when you schedule your flight:
All renters are required to complete a Ground Review Exam for the airframe you will rent, so feel free to bring a completed one with you, or you can arrive early and we will give you a paper copy before your flight. Ground Review Exams can be found on the Flight School tab of our website, just click on the Aircraft Docs button for the airframe you wish to fly and you will see checklists, POH/Flight Manual, and Ground Review Exam!
Once you become a private pilot and want to rent the aircraft without an instructor, you must have a renters Insurance policy with at least $50,000 hull value coverage. There are multiple providers and some offer short and long term policies. If you already have a student rental policy, this typically entails a quick call to your existing renters insurance provider with a request to increase the coverage for aircraft physical damage from $25,000 to $50,000.
Please ensure all of your passengers have a completed Rental Agreement on file with us. We keep paper copies on hand in the school, and there is a spot for them to write your name as the Pilot on the signature page. We will upload it to your profile so they only have to fill it out once!
Due to aircraft availability, any rental reservation block over 4 hours must be approved by management in advance and are subject to a 70% rule. The distance traveled from KPNS must be limited to a destination where you can travel to and back from within the 4 hour limit. Check rides are excluded from this policy.
Any overnight rentals will be subject to availability and to a $79 overnight fee and must be approved by management
When buying fuel at other airports, please save receipt. Fuel is reimbursed at up to $4.00/gallon. Please provide receipt showing the amount paid and gallons on check in.
Check out this video to learn how to dispatch and check in a reservation.